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发布人:管理员   发布时间:2020-8-1


With the increasing use of well cover in the market, die has become the most important production process in the market. For the mould, the advantages of this kind of mould are embodied in equipped with advanced large-scale moulding machine equipment. The plastic mould produced has the characteristics of high brightness, strong toughness, no deformation, easy demoulding, low breakage rate, etc.


With the development of economy and the improvement of people's living standard, the requirement of the surrounding environment has been raised. This demand has also led to the continuous development and innovation of the well cover die industry. The demand of the industry for the well cover die is growing, and the die industry presents different changes.



In recent years, China's environment has been seriously damaged, people pay more and more attention to environmental protection and green, green design has extended to the well cover die industry.


Mold is the basic technological equipment of industrial production, and its level of production technology has become an important symbol to measure the level of product manufacturing in a die and mould enterprise. Therefore, it is more important to promote green design in the die and mould industry.
